Zing! Logo
Basics Prices Events Parties & Corporate Kids
Do you host private events?

Yes! Zing! is the perfect place for celebrations and trainings. We host corporate events, birthday parties, fundraisers, graduations, reunions, wedding parties, rehearsal dinners, bridal showers and more!

How many people can your facility accommodate?

Up to 80 people, however, for larger events, we can accommodate over 200 people through space in the Boylston Room across the hall.

Can I rent out the whole facility?

Yes! To schedule whole facility rental call us at 413-203-5942.

Do you offer additional event options?

Absolutely! We’ll suggest various options based upon your goals and needs.

These include: group instruction, the use of our programmable robot, team building games and competitions, setting up or running tournament events, providing tables for your use. We can also provide trophies and prizes for birthday parties and event winners.

Do you offer team building activities for corporate events?

Yes! We draw upon our experience in corporate consulting and team building events both within corporations and at Zing! to learn about your training goals, time frames and budget. Then we offer design options to achieve them.