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Do you host group play events?

Yes. Zing! has three weekly “Drop-In” Round Robins: Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11-8 PM and Sundays from 11-6 PM

We also host Women’s Community Night every Monday evening from 6:30-8:30 PM.

Check our Calendar for details and updates.

Do you host other kinds of events?

Yes – all kinds. Small and large. For adults and kids. Private parties and corporate events.

We’ve hosted birthday parties, graduation celebrations, college groups, wedding parties, and more.

We also host fundraisers and offer special rates for educational and non-profit institutions.

No matter what your event, we’ll work with you to plan and create something memorable.

Any special events?

We recently changed our Friday hours to 6-10 PM to allow for 'date night', or a fun night out after a long week at work.  Come check us out!!

What is a Round Robin?

In a Round Robin you’ll play everyone else in your assigned group. This is a format we most often use in Zing!’s tournaments.

Zing!’s weekly Round Robins might be run more informally but you’ll still get to play with a variety of partners. And Zing!’s staff will set you up.

Do you host tournaments?

To stay informed of upcoming tournaments, sign up with your email and we'll let you know when new events are happening at Zing!